Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Heartwarming kindness by Police to a mother duckie

This is a lovely video I found. It shows a frantic mother duck who was quacking around a drainage gutter because her ducklings had fallen into it and couldnt get out. It shows a policewoman undoing the drainage cover and rescuing the ducklings. Happy ending and a very happy mummy duck. Lovely.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

The Hen Project

If any of you are in any doubt about how wonderful hens are to keep, then this video will show you how it is being used in the North East for a group of pensioners. The hens make them feel useful, it gives them a focus and it helps form bonds within their communities as more people realise the joys of keeping chickens. This is a lovely piece of film from the Hen Project - Henpower

Thanks to lottery funding they are spreading the chicken love to Birmingham, a place where many of them have never been.