Monday, 9 April 2012

Last day for Blue

This is a sad day, Blue our wonderful Australorp cockerel is going to a new home today.  I raised him from an egg and he was the only one of a batch of 6 eggs to survive.  His broody step-mother, a beautiful buff Orpington was a bit clumsy and managed to squash all the rest.  Only Blue survived.  He wore a blue band so I knew he was the Australorp and he was raised with a clutch of other mixed chicks at home.  Blue was the most attentive of all the new chicks and we got really attached to him.  If we went outside in the garden, Blue was the first one to greet you.  When we talked about them, Keith my husband always used to say it is the one with the blue band, hence he got named Blue.  Blue he was, and Blue he remained.  He is now a huge magnificent lovable creature but his crowing is upsetting our neighbours so being a garden bird, he has been rehomed.  He will be leaving today to live in Widnes with a new set of ladies to look after and it sounds lovely with a wooded area for him to roam in.  The ladies here will miss him and so will I.  I will try to be brave and not shed a little tear but I will I always do.

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