Monday, 17 February 2014

Wormfest weather

I dont know about you but I am really fed up with the constant rain. Summer seems such a long way off and the garden girls are in and out of the coop constantly dodging the showers. The water table is so high that even in my run which is raised higher than the surroundings is getting rather squelchy in places as the water rises underneath.  I keep a garden fork in the tarpaulin covered run so I can dig a few forkfulls over (and get a little useful exercise into the bargain) to get some air into the soil to improve the drainage. The girls get really excited when I pick up the fork and there is a feathery mass at my feet as they pounce on any poor unsuspecting worm who has the misfortune to wander anywhere underneath. It would seem the wetter the ground gets the more the worms congregate. Its like a writhing pink wormfest with each forkfull. I thank heavens for the tarpaulin but have had my fingers crossed that the high winds didn't turn it into a chicken kite.

My thoughts have to go out to those people who are suffering due to the flooding in parts of the country and thank my lucky stars that we have been spared so far. For once its not so "grim up north"

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